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  • Warehouse Inventory Made Simple with B Garage’s Autonomous Drones

Warehouse Inventory Made Simple with B Garage’s Autonomous Drones

PLUS: AI-Generated Idea of the Day: Smart Home Energy Management System

ai-generated picture of warehouse with piles of boxes, a few warehouse workers, and forklifts

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Today’s Highlights:

  • 👨‍🏭B Garage Introduces Drones for Warehouse Inventory🏭

  • 📱AI-Generated Idea of the Day: Smart Home Energy Management System🏠

Warehouse Inventory Made Simple with B Garage’s Autonomous Drones

Warehouse inventory work can sometimes be overbearing, as it requires much energy, takes a great deal of workers’ time, and human error is often unavoidable. Is it doable to get warehouse inventory all set and done while steering clear of all the drawbacks? It might, and this is what San Jose-based startup B Garage is trying to make possible.

B Garage’s Mission

B Garage was founded in 2017 by Aiden Kim, a Stanford University Ph.D. graduate in Aeronautics and Astronautics. During his studies, Kim noticed the scarcity of startups in the autonomous flight field and constructed an idea to build a company focusing on autonomous flight technology for drone manufacturers.

After realizing that most B2B logistics warehouses in the U.S. are often placed far from urban areas and are currently facing a severe labor shortage, Kim has focused on addressing the labor shortage issue by building software suitable for B2B logistics warehouse inventory management.

Support and Funding

Plenty of investors seem to be in favor of using drones for warehouse inventory management. Last week, B Garage raised $20 million in a series A round of funding led by LB Investment. Alongside LB Investment are Ignite Innovation Fund, Krossroad Partners, and SoftBank Ventures Asia.

With a total of $30 million in funds collected, B Garage will be developing its drones to a greater extent, with plans to grow its engineering and business teams and finally open up its drones to commercial use.

Staying Ahead of the Autonomous Curve

B Garage isn’t the first company who have taken vexatious warehouse inventory work into account when it comes to its inventions. Funds have been raised by companies like Verity, Gather AI, and Corvus Robotics for similar purposes. However, B Garage claims that it has managed to stay ahead of the autonomous curve by going through proof-of-concept pilot tests with Kenco Innovation Lab.

B Garage’s drones offer four features that are unobserved in other companies’ products, including full autonomy covering multiple aisles, no requirements for additional infrastructure, mapping-free operation, and automatic battery swapping.

Kim said that B Garage’s drones could provide comprehensive coverage of warehouse spaces as they navigate through multiple aisles, a feature absent from other drones, which are often limited to specific paths or single aisles.

It is also stated that no additional technology needs to be integrated into the warehouse to operate these drones, so no initial fee nor ongoing operating costs for indoor beacons or GPS will be required.

Lastly, Kim revealed that B Garage’s drones have advanced battery technology installed, granting the drone the ability to automatically return to its dedicated battery swapping station and replace its depleted battery with a fully charged one in only a few minutes.

What’s Next for B Garage?

Confident in its drones’ abilities, B Garage is planning to distribute its drones to over 10 Kenco warehouses across the U.S. and will also be working with the Incheon Port Authority in South Korea, hopefully by the end of the year.

A picture of a person wearing a black t-shirt holding a drone, behind this person a pile of boxes, indicating the photo was taken in a warehouse

Photo Courtesy of KoreaTechDesk

To cater to a broader range of customers and sectors, B Garage also aims to initiate ground robots for inventory management. Beyond logistics, B Garage hopes that it could someday apply its hardware to various industries, including but not limited to defense and security.

AI-Generated Idea of the Day

Smart Home Energy Management System

As humans living in a world facing climate change, our planet needs our help, and that can be done by being energy efficient. It can be overwhelming to manage and optimize your home’s energy usage, though. What if we had an intelligent and intuitive system in our home that could do that for us? That’s what the Smart Home Energy (SHE) Management System is for!

The SHE management system leverages advanced sensors, machine learning algorithms, and automation to monitor and control energy consumption across various devices and appliances within the home.

By installing sensors and integrating the system with smart applications and devices throughout your home, the system will

  • Collect real-time data on energy usage

  • Provide insights on energy consumption patterns

  • Intelligently adjust settings depending on energy use

  • Create personalized suggestions to optimize energy efficiency, reduce carbon footprint, and lower utility bills

With the SHE management system’s mobile app, users can receive real-time updates, adjust settings, and receive energy-saving tips through the app or via voice commands.

To maximize this system’s features, you can collaborate with energy providers to incorporate demand response programs. The system would be able to automatically adjust energy usage in your home to reduce strain on the grid and earn you participatory incentives or credits.

If you utilize solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable energy sources, the system will intelligently manage energy storage, distribution, and consumption based on available renewable energy generation and the home's energy needs.

With the SHE management system’s assistance, you can contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Job Posting

  • Capital One - Principal Associate Data Scientist, Community Impact and Investment - New York City, NY (Hybrid)

  • Logic20/20 - Machine Learning Engineer - San Francisco, CA (Remote)

  • Ylopo - Senior Backend Engineer - Santa Monica, CA (Remote)

  • Tools for Humanity - Staff Blockchain Engineer, Protocol - San Francisco, CA (Remote)

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