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  • Smart Fish Feeding Startup eFishery Revolutionizes the Aquaculture Industry with Over $1B Valuation

Smart Fish Feeding Startup eFishery Revolutionizes the Aquaculture Industry with Over $1B Valuation

PLUS: The Green Computing Hub

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Today’s Highlights:

  • 🐟Smart Fish Feeding Startup eFishery Revolutionizes the Aquaculture Industry with Over $1B Valuation💰

  • 🌲The Green Computing Hub🖥️

eFishery Makes Waves: Smart Feeding Startup Revolutionizes the Aquaculture Industry, Reeling in $200M Funding

The agriculture and aquaculture industry has become one of the biggest contributors to Indonesia’s economy. The industry has made a great impact not simply locally, but Indonesia has the second-largest fishing and aquaculture industry globally, only one behind China, by producing 5.8 million tons of fish every year.

Though this is the case, one ambitious innovator, the founder and CEO of Bandung-based startup eFishery, Gibran Huzaifah, is convinced that the industry is still far from its utmost potential, merely reaching 7% to 9% of it. Believing in the power of technology that has disrupted sectors such as commerce, financial services, and media in Indonesia, Huzaifah feels that the same innovative impact should be applied to the more basic, essential sectors, such as agriculture and aquaculture, as well.

Moved by the importance of food security and the pursuit of digital innovation, Huzaifah developed an IoT-based smart feeding system named eFeeder, and has recently raised his series D funding of $200 million, becoming the first startup in the global aquaculture industry to pass a $1 billion valuation.

Photo Courtesy of eFishery

Feed Management

Huzaifah started his journey in the aquaculture industry as a college student by opening up a catfish farming business. His time in the business led to the knowledge that feed management plays an extremely crucial role in the aquaculture industry. With essentially no technology for fish feeding at the time, farmers tend to perform hand feeding, leading to uneven sizes of fish.

This poses a big problem, as buyers often have specific sizes of fish that they wish to purchase. With the abundant amount of fish farming cost production being allocated to feeding, Huzaifah tried to find a way to create more efficient and stabilized feeding methods, resulting in his eFeeder.

eFeeder, Photo Courtesy of eFishery

How does the feeder work?

Marketplace and IoT

While running his catfish farm, Huzaifah had seen that feeding accounts for 70% to 90% of total production cost, costing far more when done manually. This pushed Huzaifah to create his IoT-based feeder, which automatically feeds fish and shrimp by sensing their appetite and level of hunger through vibrations and motion sensors.

With Huzaifah’s system, farmers can manage their ponds remotely via smartphones. The system also collects data on daily fish usage, the type and brand of feed, and the amount of fish produced. Aside from this, the system can also track fish behavior and appetite along with stock density and mortality rate.

Huzaifah’s smart-feeding tech has essentially become a game-changer in the field, but he hasn’t stopped there. Huzaifah’s fishery currently serves 70,000 fish and shrimp farmers in 280 cities across Indonesia, with the platform also operating as a marketplace that sells fish and shrimp feed to farmers, fresh fish and shrimp products to B2B consumers, and financial products for fish farmers.

eFishery’s Apps, Photo Courtesy of eFishery

Tech in Aquaculture

Getting to where eFishery is now wasn’t an easy task. According to Huzaifah, his technology once faced resistance from traditional fish farmers, mostly due to the fact that many farmers were not regular internet users. Having not adapted to the developments of technology, Huzaifah’s team had to conduct Internet 101 training with the farmers. With 34 provinces in Indonesia, the team also had to adjust to the way their local partners’ business practices operated.

Huzaifah believes that integrating technology into the aquaculture industry in Indonesia is the right step toward improving fishery operation infrastructure.

eFishery plans to reach one million aquaculture ponds in Indonesia by 2025 and soon expand its business overseas by exporting fully traceable, antibiotic-free shrimp.

With plenty of aquaculture tech startups operating in the United States at the moment, estimated to be around 297, according to Tracxn, the future of the aquatech industry seems to be big and bright. As more innovative entrepreneurs pursue the sector, a sustainable and inclusive global economy may get closer than ever.

AI-Generated Idea of the Day

The Green Computing Hub

Whether we like it or not, running a business, especially one tech-heavy, would require plenty of energy and power, setting off at least a tiny bit of carbon footprint, impacting the environment more than we’d like to. What if you could have a state-of-the-art, eco-friendly data center that eliminates this issue? Meet The Green Computing Hub.

The Hub is a sustainable centralized computing and storage facility that combines renewable energy sources, energy-efficient infrastructure, and carbon offset technologies for various organizations, businesses, and individuals, offering cloud computing, data storage, and other tech services.

Powered by a mix of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power, the Hub is designed to generate its electricity on-site. This way, the use of sustainable energy will be maximized, and dependency on fossil fuels can be greatly reduced.

This data center utilizes the latest energy-efficient tech advancements, including carbon-sequestering materials, ambient air cooling, optimized server configurations, and low-power hardware components. With these features, the Hub ensures

  • Optimal Energy Usage

  • Minimal Wastage

  • Efficient Resource Allocation

  • Carbon Offset Implementation

The Hub employs advanced algorithms to allocate computing tasks to the most energy-efficient servers, adjusting power consumption based on demand. Constructed with sustainable building materials and green design principles, such as natural ventilation and passive cooling, the data center reduces the need for additional energy-intensive climate control systems.

The green model not only addresses the growing energy demands of the tech industry but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future by helping reduce carbon emissions and ecological footprints.

Fight against climate change with The Green Computing Hub.

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Job Posting

  • Sofi - Senior IT Technician, Executive Support - San Francisco, CA (Hybrid)

  • Discover - Principal Cybersecurity Analyst, Cybersecurity Risk and Controls Management - Chicago, IL (Hybrid)

  • Reddit - Senior Product Designer, Ads - United States (Remote)

  • Cruise - Staff Quality Engineer, Program Quality - San Francisco, CA (Remote/Hybrid)

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