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  • Reddit API Changes Ignite Hackers, Tech Mogul Involvement, and Thousands of Dark Subreddits

Reddit API Changes Ignite Hackers, Tech Mogul Involvement, and Thousands of Dark Subreddits

PLUS: Tech Manufacturing Company Squint Raises $6M


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Today’s Highlights:

  • Hackers, Tech Moguls, and Dark Subreddits: The Reddit Revolution 👨‍💻

  • Tech Manufacturing Company Squint Raises $6M 💰

The Reddit Revolution: API Changes Ignite Hackers, Tech Mogul Involvement, and Thousands of Dark Subreddits

A Cyber Brawl on Reddit’s Horizon

As an avid web dweller, it's hard to miss the ongoing cyber brawl that has Reddit, the so-called "front page of the internet," embroiled in a chaotic standoff with its users, developers, and some unexpected tech mogul intercessors. The crux of the conflict? Reddit's newly unveiled plans to make third-party app developers fork out cash to access the site's API*.

To put it in layman's terms, imagine the uproar if your local library suddenly demanded an exorbitant fee for the loan of books. The issue isn't about paying for a service; rather, it's the sheer cost of the proposed charges that's rubbing developers and users the wrong way.

*API: Application Programming Interface, a set of functions and procedures that enable the creation of applications and communication between different ones.

The BlackCat Ransom Demand: Not Just About Money

Adding fuel to the fire is the aftermath of a security breach that saw the notorious BlackCat ransomware* gang nab approximately 80 gigabytes of data from Reddit. Interestingly, the ransom demand that followed involved more than just money. Amid calls for $4.5 million, BlackCat also demanded that Reddit retracts its API cost changes. Quite an unusual request for a group of cyber brigands, eh?

*Ransomware: malware encryption designed to deny a user or organization access to files on their creation, in which a ransom payment is usually demanded the decryption key.

A Tech Mogul-Fueled Protest: John Oliver and Tim Cook Enter the Fray

The ongoing chaos Reddit has caused precipitated a series of protests that have gone beyond sternly worded emails and digital picket signs. As the controversy escalates, subreddits are leveraging the popularity of tech moguls like John Oliver and Tim Cook to amplify their message, with users voting overwhelmingly to allow only pictures of these figures. Meanwhile, numerous subreddits have chosen to "go dark," rendering them inaccessible to users in protest of the planned API changes.

Impact on Professionals and Business Owners: The Hidden Consequences

Now, let's be clear here: if you're a professional or business owner who relies on Reddit for marketing, customer engagement, or even just for keeping your finger on the pulse of your industry, these protests present a significant challenge. Many of these 'dark' subreddits are large communities that represent key demographics. If you're a game developer, for instance, the 'going dark' of r/gaming could spell a serious setback for promoting your product or getting user feedback.

Third-Party App Shutting Down: The High Cost of Access

To add another layer to the onion, developers of popular third-party Reddit apps like Apollo and Reddit is Fun, are planning to shut down their services due to the prohibitive API charges. The creator of Apollo, Christian Selig, put the figure at a staggering $20 million per annum, making it crystal clear that the current pricing model is unworkable.

A Democratic Revolution? Huffman’s Potential Solution

Reddit's CEO, Steve Huffman, however, has been markedly resistant to the protests. He insists that these changes are necessary for Reddit to function as a sustainable business and emphasizes that Reddit can't continue to subsidize commercial entities that require large-scale data usage.

In the latest turn of events, Huffman has hinted at potential changes to the site's moderator removal policy, aiming to make it more democratic and enable users to oust unpopular moderators. Whether these developments will quell the storm or stoke it further is yet to be seen.

Conclusion: The Far-Reaching Implications of the Reddit Revolution

As these tumultuous events continue to unfold, Reddit's saga serves as a potent reminder of the volatile nature of the digital space and the real-world implications of such online disputes.

This is not merely an issue of hackers demanding ransoms or developers griping about costs; this is about the governance of digital communities, about how decisions made at the top can ripple down and affect the entire ecosystem, including professionals and business owners who depend on the platform for their livelihood.

While the dust is far from settling, the current situation paints a vivid picture: in an age where digital platforms have become central to our lives and businesses, maintaining a delicate balance between profitability and user satisfaction is critical. Ignore either side, and you risk a rebellion — or in this case, a full-blown Reddit revolution.

Funding News

Squint raises $6 million

Squint is a tech manufacturing company that makes use of augmented reality (AR) for factory procedures. With the help of Sequoia Capital and Menlo, Squint has raised $6 million in combined seed and pre-seed funding.

With the goal of creating more optimized factory productions, Squint replaces unneeded paper-based instructions like paper binders and sticky notes and time-consuming human training with mobile AR, computer vision, and machine learning. By incorporating AR into the day-to-day of factory workers, Squint hopes to accelerate and enhance learning speed as well as knowledge retention, reshaping machine and human interactions.

Squint expects its next-gen technology to digitize standard operating procedures, allowing workers and operators to rely on the Squint app, which they can easily access with their mobile phones. They can absorb content through their preferred media, whether it be reference photos, tutorial videos, or written instructions.

Squint will be using its funds to develop its platform further, by introducing new verticals in its AI, AR, and computer vision projects. Squint aspires to drive the inevitable change that is the ubiquity of AI and AR in the workplace and make the Squint app even simpler to use for customers across various industries in the coming future.

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