G20 Leaders Encourage Innovative Startup Growth

PLUS: Microsoft Pushes Developers to Innovate Using AI, Smart Mirror Health Assistance

Mornin’ miners ⛏️,

Happy Friday!

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Today’s Highlights:

  • Microsoft Encourages Developers to Innovate Using AI 🤖

  • G20 Leaders Push for Better Innovative Startups 💸

  • AI-Generated Idea Today: Smart Mirror Health Assistant 🪞

Microsoft CTO Invites Developers to Innovate with AI

The 2023 Build Conference, which was held from May 23 to May 25 in Seattle, featured a variety of sessions, workshops, and hands-on lab work. Microsoft was among the few big tech companies that held a keynote session and announced new releases in the build conference.

New Features

CTO Kevin Scott announced a list of updates that Microsoft plans to make use of to build their own copilots for AI. Microsoft has been involved with AI copilots before, in 2021 with GitHub Copilot, a copilot that could turn natural language prompts into coding suggestions using OpenAI codex. Knowing their capabilities, the Microsoft team wants and has built more.

Microsoft announced new AI plugin capabilities that could allow users to connect with different services. The new Azure AI studio, for example, can help developers build and deploy copilots using closed and open-source models included in the new Azure AI catalog model.

Scott said that what makes platforms great isn’t the foundational infrastructure but what developers do with the platforms. Scott delivered a master class on what a copilot is and how to build one, and that the key part of a copilot stack is plugin extensibility.

After seeing how plugins have played a big part in OpenAI’s ChatGPT capabilities, Microsoft has decided to make them a core part of Microsoft’s copilot stack. Plugins will let users augment a copilot or an AI application so that it can do more than what the base platform allows it to do.

Machine Learning Tools

Microsoft’s EVP of cloud and AI group, Scott Guthrie, presents more of the new Azure AI studio’s features, which include enabling organizations to base AI models on their own data. This allows users to build their own copilot experiences according to their app and organizational needs.

Microsoft also introduced a new machine learning prompt flow feature on the Azure AI. This prompt flow feature supports prompt construction, orchestration, as well as testing evaluation, and deployment. It also allows users to build AI solutions easily using open-source tools and frameworks like LangChain.

Guthrie has pointed out that the safety of designing products must be a creator’s priority. He ensured that the Azure AI content safety service provides the same technologies used to build their own Microsoft copilot experiences. So, not only can users be sure their products will be secure and safe, but the services Azure AI provide are of tested quality.

It seems that Microsoft’s trust in AI means more developments are to come, and this sounds like great news for professionals who are looking to delve into the AI world for their businesses or startups. This could also mean that AI developers, who will probably be in high demand soon, have a bigger chance of getting work.


G20 Leaders Encourage Innovative Startups for Global Economic Growth

Leaders from G20 Nations gathered at an embassy meetup at the Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayogo, India. Esteemed representatives from Denmark, Austria, Australia, Sweden, the United States, the European Union, Brazil, Oman, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, and Estonia discussed the ongoing success of startups and their potential impact on economic growth.

Growth in Innovation

In a gathering held under the theme “Igniting Innovation: Unleashing Entrepreneurial Potential”, influential figures from the world’s most powerful economies shared insights, exchanged ideas, and explored opportunities for startup collaborations. The host nation’s leader emphasized how startups can lead to economic resilience, job creation, and technological advancements.

The meetup highlighted the role of G20 in facilitating an environment that would enable and encourage startups, which includes access to capital, supportive policies, and robust regulatory frameworks. Participants also offered inputs and comments on the first public draft of Policy Communiqué, which comprises policy recommendations formulated by 500 stakeholder delegates from India, G20 nations, and invitee nations.

Task Force at the Ready

During the gathering, the G20 leaders established a dedicated task force focusing on startups and innovation. Filled with high-level representatives from member nations, this task force plans to create an inclusive global ecosystem that would nurture startups and encourage investments. With this task force, it is hoped that a new stage will be set for a new era of entrepreneurship, innovation, and global sustainable growth.

Further collaboration and progress may come in the next few months, which seems to be a good sign for professionals who are planning to build their startups and businesses.

Today’s AI-Generated Healthcare Idea

Your health should always become a number one priority, but sometimes it can get difficult to pay attention to what your body needs and set aside some time to take care of yourself.

With a smart mirror acting as your health assistant, you can simply look in the mirror (like you probably always do in the morning to get ready), and it’ll tell you exactly what you need!

The smart mirror could display real-time health information, such as your heart rate, body temperature, and stress levels, using non-intrusive monitoring technologies. The smart mirror can then provide:

  •  personalized health recommendations,

  •  reminders for medications or appointments, and

  • offer guided workouts or yoga sessions.

You can choose between a few options for the mirror’s interface and make it interactive, allowing users to ask questions or access additional health-related resources.

This technology would seamlessly integrate into users’ daily routines, promoting wellness and empowering individuals to take control of their health in a convenient and intuitive way.

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Funding News

Are any of you miners working on a startup at the moment? If you are, and are looking for funding, you may have heard of Physis Capital. They just reached $7 million in funds as part of their $50 million first close, and are currently on track to do their final closing in 2024.

Physis Capital is the venture capital arm of Inflection Point Ventures (IPV), an angel network founded by Vinay Bansal in 2017. The majority of their sector-agnostic fund comes from a mix of family offices and ultra-high net-worth individuals (UHNIs) from India. They have said that investors from across multiple international locations, such as Singapore, the US, and the UAE, are starting to show their interest, though.

Physis Capital is actively looking for unique opportunities to invest with the funds they have collected. For now, they plan to fund startups and entrepreneurs that are in their pre-series A to series B stages with solid business models. Their starting goal is to fund 15 to 20 startups with an average ticket size of $2.5 million that are likely to generate sustainable returns in the long term.

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