Ford Partners with Tesla EV Superchargers

PLUS: TechCrunch Disrupt, Smart Recycling Bin

Mornin’ miners⛏️,

Digger Insights choose the news that’ll give our readers a competitive edge in their industry.

Let’s get to it!

Today’s Highlights:

  • TechCrunch Disrupt & Startup Battlefield 🚀

  • Ford Partners with Tesla EV Superchargers 🔋

  • AI-Generated Idea: Smart Recycling Bin ♻️

  • raises $5.25 million 💰


TechCrunch Invites You to Dream Big with Disrupt 2023

TechCrunch has announced Disrupt 2023, a startup conference founded by Techcrunch, which will be held on September 19-21 in San Francisco.

Who’s Invited?

Disrupt 2023 invites participants to gain knowledge to grow in the industry and connections with the right people to make their fresh ideas come true. Showcasing cutting-edge technology and igniting creativity, Disrupt is the right place for anyone interested in the tech industry.

Disrupt brings together organizations and experts in the tech industry that can help:

  • future founders who are eager to shock the world with their inventions,

  • investors who are looking for business, and

  • those new to the industry who are looking to learn the industry’s secrets, tips, and tricks.

You can acquire skills in adjusting to a tough market when building a tech-heavy business, finding your own special edge to compete, and keeping up with the world of business technology.

Who’s Speaking?

Acting as one of the main guest speakers is the founder and CEO of DeepMind, Google-owned AI, Demis Hassabis. Plenty of other partners, founders, and investors will be present as well to share their experiences and open up participants to the startup world, including general partner to a16z crypto, Arianna Simpson.

Disrupt will have six different sessions to introduce industry-specific programming tracks, which include AI, SaaS, Fintech, Security, Hardware, and Sustainability.

Who’s Ready to Compete?

This year’s Disrupt will also include Startup Battlefield 200, a startup competition that showcases 200 startup companies that will go through training, have investor meet and greets as well as private receptions, and learn from masterclasses. Companies can apply and participate for free until May 31st. 

Get your tickets for Disrupt 2023 here and don’t miss the 2-for-1 Memorial Day sale, giving you 2 tickets for the price of 1 on select Disrupt passes, ending on May 30th. Disrupt 2023 will take place in Moscone West, 800 Howard St. Get digging, miners!

Ford Partners with Tesla for EV Superchargers

Ford CEO Jim Farley has announced an official collaboration with Tesla through a Twitter Spaces meeting with CEO Elon Musk. Starting next year, Ford will follow Tesla’s “North American Charging Standard” (NACS), allowing Ford’s EVs access to Tesla’s 12,000 Superchargers stations.

Change in Chargers

Ford’s next generation of EVs will also stop using CCS chargers (also owned by Tesla, by the way), commonly used by Audi, Rivian, and General Motors. Ford will instead share the same charging ports as Tesla. Farley has ensured that despite using Tesla Superchargers, Ford’s EVs will still be using Ford software.

Awaiting next year’s development, Tesla has plans to produce an adapter for current Ford EV owners that Musk say is to cost “hundreds” of dollars, with both CEOs hinting that subscriptions may be a part of future EV charging plans. Tesla and Ford are also taking part in a consortium whose goal is to have all EV drivers charge easily on any charging equipment, called the National Charging Experience Consortium or better known as ChargeX, assembling with other manufacturers next month.

EVs and A Green Future

These developments that are in the works may create a spike in demand for EVs, which may bring various opportunities for businesses. The access and convenience that can be brought if ChargeX succeeds in creating one charging equipment for all EVs will allow businesses to easily switch to electric vehicles, lowering fuel costs. Businesses can also take a chance to capitalize on the trend of EVs, for example by investing in electric vehicle manufacturers to develop their own electric vehicle projects.

With the increasing awareness of global warming and green action, switching to EVs can also help improve a business’s corporate and brand image. By creating an image that shows responsibility and sustainability, businesses can attract more customers and slowly save the planet all at the same time. Aside from that, drivers, in general, will be able to reduce emissions and air pollution and be more environmentally friendly when driving around, helping the Earth one step at a time.

If you miners haven’t already, you should check the abundant EV options out there, and if it suits you, you could always consider switching.

Today’s AI-Generated Business Idea

Smart Recycling Bin

With AI and IoT technology developing every minute and the need to save the planet through Green Action constantly increasing, the Smart Recycling Bin can optimize the recycling process in households and public spaces.

This smart recycling bin will have automated sorting to identify and separate different materials like plastics, glass, paper, and metal on its own, real-time feedback with sensors and indicators to provide users information on their recycling habits’ environmental impact, and smart voice assistance with Amazon’s Alexa or Google Assistant to help with reminders and tips or guidelines.

With its mobile app companion in sync, users can track their progress, get notified when the recycling bin needs emptying or replacing, and connect with recycling services such as recycling centers or waste management companies for pickups or drop-offs, streamlining the recycling process. The Smart Recycling Bin makes recycling more engaging and accessible, allowing the Earth to be greener with our help!

Funding News

AI video startup raises $5.25 million., an AI video startup that is developing a platform for creating realistic and engaging video content, has raised $5.25 million in funding from investors including Sequoia Capital India and Y Combinator. The funding will be used to accelerate the development of's platform and to expand its team.

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Job Posting

  • Center Pixel Inc - Senior Backend Software Engineer - Palo Alto, CA (Remote)

  • Fuelfinance - Senior Product Manager - Delaware (Remote)

  • Impending Inc - iOS Engineer - Austin, TX (Remote)

  • Lamini - Founding Designer - Palo Alto, CA (Remote)

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