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  • Delve’s Automated HIPAA Compliance Solutions Platform

Delve’s Automated HIPAA Compliance Solutions Platform

Streamlining HIPAA Compliance Processes with One-Click Infrastructure and Policy Checklists

ai generated image of healthcare industry legislation

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) is a significant piece of legislation for the US healthcare industry. First signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, the Act addresses issues regarding sensitive patient data and sets national standards of healthcare data security for all businesses, organizations, and individuals working in the industry.

The important benefits that come with HIPAA regulations make achieving compliance a far from simple endeavor, prompting those who need compliance to spend a considerable amount of time and money on the matter. Months can be spent on deploying infrastructure and completing paperwork alone.

To streamline this process, Delve, a YC-backed startup founded by Karun Kaushik and Selin Kocalar, has built a platform with an automated 1-click HIPAA-compliant infrastructure, a step-by-step checklist of policies and paperwork, as well as real-time monitoring of progress and security, ensured to fast track the journey to HIPAA compliance.

delve website homepage

Photo Courtesy of Delve

Time Spent Wisely

Following multiple years of experience in healthcare as MIT-trained AI experts, Delve’s founders faced the difficulties of reaching HIPAA compliance. In finding and running their health tech startup, the duo spent months and tens of thousands of dollars on becoming HIPAA compliant.

After painstakingly reaching their goal, coupled with the knowledge that HIPAA violations bear severe consequences, from high fines to criminal prosecution, the two devised a way to help other founders of companies or instances processing health data comply with HIPAA more efficiently.

Traditional methods of reaching compliance are convoluted. They require companies to hire a consultant or build DevOps teams and purchase compliance solutions to complete policies and paperwork. According to Delve’s team, this could take a couple of months and cost between $11K and $25K. Those first two steps, which are already far too time-consuming and exorbitant, are then followed by the continuous need to manually monitor logs and compliance status.

empty wallet broke guy meme money? spent it all on hipaa compliance

Delve’s platform acts as a one-stop shop, covering every detail necessary for future players in the healthcare industry, from providing secure infrastructure and information on all the necessary paperwork to assuring that all activities done to reach HIPAA compliance are securely monitored in real-time.

Automated and Streamlined

While HIPAA compliance solutions built to assist with compliance checklists and monitoring, like Vanta and Drata, for example, exist, Delve’s team believes that they only work passively, still requiring three to four weeks to reach compliance. Delve’s platform, on the other hand, is proactive, automatically and continuously deploying infrastructure and providing custom legal policies to do all the work that manual DevOps teams would take weeks to do in mere days, even hours.

delve app get started page

Photo Courtesy of Delve

Delve’s one-click infrastructure, vetted and reviewed by cybersecurity experts and HIPAA auditors, can be easily set up in one’s cloud environment, whether it be AWS, Azure, or another. It is also equipped with CI/CD* from git push, meaning automatic updates will be made on one’s infrastructure whenever changes are made to one’s code, triggered by a git push command. Essentially, Delve’s platform is believed to be a user-friendly and secure environment for handling and updating patient data.

Aside from technical configurations, Delve ensures automation every other step of the way. The platform streamlines all the paperwork, policies, and procedures that would usually take weeks to complete by providing step-by-step instructions and checklists. Every piece of paperwork and policy from Delve is written by healthcare lawyers who were once employed in the US Attorney’s Office, ensuring reliability.

*CI/CD: Continous Integration, the act of merging code changes from developers into a shared central repository, and Continuous Delivery, where code is automatically delivered to a staging or testing environment after successful testing.
marked safe from meme delve users hipaa violation

Once all the necessary steps in HIPAA compliance are done, users can log and monitor every piece of activity and progress securely and comprehensively with Delve’s dashboard, equipped to monitor compliance, track system activity, and review logs. If there are any security incidents, users will be notified immediately with live alerts.

With Delve, reaching HIPAA compliance can be done with ease, saving the time, energy, and costs that could be spent instead on further developing one’s product and service. Those interested in Delve’s platform can book a demo through the startup’s website. Delve charges users on an annual subscription basis, with pricing depending on the size and needs of their company.

delve demo webpage

Photo Courtesy of Delve

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

waiting skeleton meme you waiting for your consultant to deploy secure hippa compliant infrastructure and paperwork
meme one does not simply violate hipaa
ai generated image of healthcare law legisliation

Job Posting

  • Aptos Labs - Technical Program Manager - San Francisco, CA+ (Remote/Hybrid)

  • Atticus - Software Engineer, Frontend - Los Angeles, CA+ (Remote/Hybrid)

  • Block - Senior Software Engineer, Core OS Platform - Washington DC+ (Remote/Hybrid)

  • ServiceNow - Advisory Solution Consultant, Integrated Risk Management - Chicago, IL+ (Remote/Hybrid)

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