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  • Character.AI Mobile App Gets 1.7M Installs in the First Week

Character.AI Mobile App Gets 1.7M Installs in the First Week

PLUS: Crypto Scammer Hacks OpenAI's Executive Twitter Account, VR Job Fair

Mornin’ miners⛏️,

Digger Insights provides you with tech news that matters; without the overwhelming tech jargon.

Let’s get to it!

Today’s Highlights:

  • Cryptocurrency Scammers Hack OpenAI Executive’s Twitter Account 😲

  • Character.AI Mobile App Gets 1.7M Installs in the First Week 📱

  • AI-Generated Idea: Virtual Reality Job Fair 🧑‍💼👩‍💼

  • Oii.ai raises $1.85 million 💰

Cryptocurrency Scammer Hacked OpenAI Executive, Mira Murati’s, Twitter Account

Cryptocurrency has become increasingly popular by the minute, and more people seem to understand what it entails and want in on the crypto trend. A spike in demand also means a spike in the amount of ill-intent people who want to take advantage. Cryptocurrency scams are skyrocketing, and one of its cases is seen from OpenAI Executive, Mira Murati’s, twitter account getting hacked.

Cryptocurrency Scheme

Last Thursday evening, Murati’s Twitter account was hacked and used to promote a cryptocurrency scheme. The hacker announced a new crypto token called $OPENAI. Murati’s followers were invited to visit a site called chaingpt.build and send money to an Ethereum digital wallet. The scammer then claims that they would receive free “airdropped” coins.

The tweets were deleted after being live for 45 minutes, and it’s no doubt that at least some percentage of people fell for this scam.

This goes to show how we should all be more aware and careful, and how important security is. This incident happened just four months after Twitter’s two-factor authentication policy change.

SMS text messaging for account security was made available solely for Twitter Blue premium subscribers, and security experts had warned that this change would bring trouble.

Importance of Staying Cautious

What happened to Murati shows that scammers are getting more crafty, hacking high-profile Twitter accounts for their credibility and high number of followers.

This issue indicates that people on social media have to be extra careful and double-check all sorts of information even if it comes from accounts/people that we think we can trust.

Professionals who are seeking or currently have an ongoing business (especially in the tech industry) have to make sure to have great security measures and privacy policies to prevent scammers or hackers from taking advantage. It seems companies and businesses providing security services are needed more than ever.

So, always be cautious, miners! And before you do anything rash, double-check your facts as often as you can.

Chatbot Startup Character.AI Shows Success with 1.7M Installs in the First Week 

AI chatbots have been all the rage for the past few months, seen from the high usage of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Anthropic’s Claude.

Demand for AI mobile apps has increased, too, since the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. In its first six days, ChatGPT topped half a million downloads. Success in AI mobile apps is also shown through an a16z-backed AI app called Character.AI, which had 1.7M installs in its first launch week.


Character.AI is an AI chatbot that allows its users to create their own characters and make customizable AI companions with various, unique personalities, which I personally feel that it’s more personable even compared to ChatGPT.

Photo Courtesy of Character.AI

First acting as a web app, Character.AI had 200 million visits per month, with users spending an average of 29 minutes per visit. The company behind it, Character Technologies, claims that this figure exceeds ChatGPT by 300%.

Character Technologies was founded by Noam Shazeer and Daniel De Freitas, AI experts who led the team of Google researchers responsible for the creation of LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications). This language model is THE model that helped make conversational AI experiences happen. Believing in AI’s ability to achieve revolutionary things, the duo left Google in 2021 and focused on creating their AI chatbot.

App Engagement

Character.AI mobile launched globally on May 23, and in only a couple of days, reached 700,000 Android installs, exceeding the number of installs for entertainment apps such as Netflix, Disney+, and Prime Video. The U.S. is part of the leading markets for Android downloads, which also includes Indonesia, the Philippines, and Brazil.

Aside from high download rates, Character Technologies has said that users are quickly becoming engaged after first use. Character.AI’s engagement rates had jumped to more than 2 hours on average, and over 10 million custom AI characters have been created by users. Data. ai, a third-party app intelligence provider, seems to have proven that Character Technologies’ data claims are true. They have confirmed that there is an initial consumer demand by comparing their estimates with Character.AI’s actual numbers, which showed a higher number of downloads existing.

Premium Services and Partnerships

The team behind Character.AI, which, at the moment, only consists of 30 people, has also announced the launch of their premium service called c.ai+. C.ai+ provides users with faster response times, better access during peak periods of usage, and early access to new features. The team also announced a partnership with Google Cloud for AI model training. Character.AI will soon be using Google Cloud’s Tensor Processor Units* to hopefully make their LLMs (large language models) faster and more efficient.

Character.AI’s high number of installs shows that the demand for AI mobile apps isn’t going anywhere and has gotten even higher than ever. So, if there are any professionals amongst you miners looking for cyber business, building AI apps doesn’t sound like such a bad idea!

*Tensor Processor Units: Google’s custom-developed application-specific integrated circuits, used to accelerate machine learning workloads.

Check Character.AI’s app out, miners! And see how you like it! Has it won over your heart, or is ChatGPT still your preferred chatbot?

Today’s AI-Generated Business Idea

Virtual Reality Job Fair

Sometimes we all wish we could just relax, stay home and order take-out, or go out and meet some friends, without having to think about where we can get money to do all those things. The (sometimes sad and tiring) reality is that we have to work to earn that money. Getting a job might be easy for some, but also tricky for others. Today’s AI-generated idea, the Virtual Reality Job Fair, just might make that process easier.

Companies can set up virtual booths with interactive 3D environments that showcase their culture, value, products, and job opportunities. Using virtual reality headsets, job seekers can engage with company representatives through avatars and live video streaming. A dedicated virtual meeting space with simulated office spaces or project scenarios can be used by job seekers to participate in virtual interviews.

Job seekers will be able to connect with recruiters, industry professionals, and fellow job seekers from all over the world in a unique and interactive way, with facilitated group discussions, Q&A sessions, or industry-specific forums. AI matching is also available to help match candidates with relevant job opportunities.

The Virtual Reality Job Fair can reduce logistical costs, overcome geographical limitations, and expand networking opportunities like never before!

Favorite Product of The Day

For all miners looking to build a business, have you ever been stuck thinking, where can I find capital to start? You don’t personally know any investors and can’t seem to raise capital no matter how hard you try. Well, you can now ease your mind, with 6ix Events!

6ix Events is a platform that allows investors to host unlimited events with unlimited presenters and unlimited attendees. With 6ix Events, you can raise capital and accelerate growth by connecting with investors, showcasing your offerings, and securing funding without wasting too much time and getting frustrated!

You can create and manage an event in under 5 minutes with three flexible pricing plans depending on your needs, and before you know it, you have affordably raised your capital!

Funding News

Pitch deck company Oii.ai has raised $1.85M. Oii.ai, a pitch deck company with quite a silly name, provides concise presentations that can help investors and clients understand more about a company’s business. Oii.ai has an 18-slide deck accompanied by a couple of appendix slides and gives way for businesses to present their products, services, and goals with good visual storytelling. The company claims to have raised a $1.85 million seed thanks to this deck.

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Job Posting

  • Heatbit - Head of Growth - Dover, Delaware (Remote)

  • Gladiate - Product Designer - Dallas, TX (Remote)

  • Remotasks - AI Chatbot Trainer - San Francisco, California (Remote)

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