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  • Business Automation Made Easy by OpenAI and Workato

Business Automation Made Easy by OpenAI and Workato

PLUS: Favorite Product of The Day: AI-Chat Interior Designer

Business Automation

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Today’s Highlights:

  • OpenAI and Workato Collaborate for Business Automation Ease 👍

  • Favorite Product of The Day: AI-Chat Interior Designer 🏠

Business Automation Made Easy by OpenAI and Workato

Workato is a low-code/no-code platform founded in 2013. Functioning as a platform to help businesses automate workflow across cloud and apps, Workato is funded by a few venture companies such as Salesforce Ventures, Workday Ventures, Redpoint, Norwest, Altimeter Capital, and more.

With a goal to simplify the workflow automating and app integrating process, Workato has collaborated with OpenAI to integrate AI models into its future releases. Workato already has a vast array of new capabilities in store to announce.

Workflow Automation

One of the features Workato and OpenAI have devised together is the Workato Copilot. Workato Copilot allows users to build automation and application connectors simply by using commands and descriptions in plain English.

The copilot assists users by providing onboarding support, discovering the next thing to build, offering recommendations, and providing instant troubleshooting help when needed.

Workato Copilots users can incorporate natural language processing generative AI capabilities into their automation process. With these capabilities in hand, users can easily generate workflow through simple and natural conversations. Workato maintains the idea that Workato Copilot can lower the barrier of who can build within an organization.

Despite already owning its own functioning automation tool, RecipeIQ, Workato believes that its incorporation with OpenAI’s models can further streamline automation and integration development. With this, businesses can utilize Workato’s tools more effortlessly.

Enterprise Apps Interaction

WorkbotGPT is another feature among Workato and OpenAI’s collaborative outcomes. WorkbotGPT enables users to interact with enterprise applications and data through chat apps Slack and Microsoft Teams.

The WorkbotGPT facilitates conversational and real-time automation. Users can simply give it natural language prompts, and it’ll generate the summary of action items based on Zoom transcripts, emails, and CRMs in real-time.

Security First and Foremost

According to Workato founder and head of products and engineering, Gautham Viswanathan, several LLMs were trained by and later on incorporated into Workato and OpenAI’s models, hoped to give customers the best experience when building their automation, integrations, APIs, or application connectors.

Workato also strives to create a secure automation development process for its users. Users are given full control over their assets, data, and logs. With robust role-based access controls, every user can determine who is authorized to use the provided AI services, mask sensitive data, audit all user activity changes, and stream logs for centralized monitoring.

It is claimed that Workato’s Copilots adhere to the strictest data privacy standards and do not use customer data to train any models. To ensure top security, Copilots’ capabilities are built with a strong foundation of security, with multi-layer encryption, hourly key rotation, EKM/BYOK, and zero trust policies.

Favorite Product of The Day

AI-Chat Interior Designer

It’s no doubt that we have all pictured our dream home, wondering if we could ever make it happen. The process of interior designing can be tricky, time-consuming, and not so affordable. You can change things up with the help of an AI-Chat Interior Designer!

This program can reshape your interior design experience, by having

  • endless design exploration based on your vision

  • seamless design iteration at the end of your fingertips

  • vast options of professional-quality renderings

You can simply chat with the AI to describe your visual preferences and it’ll render your room design in real time. Give inputs to modify the space, from layout changes to furniture selection, and it’ll instantly generate your new design.

The AI can adjust and cater to your style and preferences as they have a vast database of furniture and decor options, whether minimalistic, eclectic, traditional, or modern.

Its user-friendly interface allows you to have natural and interactive conversations, and you can freely ask questions, provide feedback, and request specific design elements.

You can check out AI-Chat Interior Designer’s features here!

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Job Posting

  • Tegus - Senior Machine Learning Engineer - Chicago, IL (Remote/Hybrid)

  • Two Barrels LLC - Security Analyst, Web Applications - Spokane, WA (Remote/Hybrid)

  • Discord - Motion Graphic Designer - San Francisco, CA (Remote)

  • Figma - Enterprise Solutions Architect - San Francisco, CA (Remote/Hybrid)

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