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  • Bard VS GPT, Chat GPT Imposters, Google Delete Inactive Accounts.

Bard VS GPT, Chat GPT Imposters, Google Delete Inactive Accounts.

PLUS: Personalized Urban Gardening Pods, Whatsapp Edit message

Mornin’ miners⛏️,

Digger Insights gives you the newest tech insights without the crazy confusing tech jargon.

Let’s get to today’s insights!

Today’s Highlights:

  • Google’s Bard Visual Features 👀

  • ChatGPT Imposters in Playstore and Appstore 🥸

  • Google Will Delete Inactive Accounts! How to Stop it?😧

  • AI-Generated Idea Today: Personalized Urban Gardening Pods 🌱

  • Whatsapp’s New Features: Edit Messages, Lock Chats 💬

  • BARD VS GPT / Sensi AI 🤖


Google’s Bard Gets New Features, Allowing More Visual Presence

Google’s Bard has been up and running for waitlisters starting March 2023. Since then, Bard has gotten plenty of updates, announced at Google’s 2020 I/O, and has officially started being accessible for users in over 180 countries and territories just a few weeks ago.

Tools and Features

Bard now supports new languages, has a new Dark Mode, and has improved in tackling coding queries. Bard is also usable in Gmail, so you can now ask for Bard’s help in drafting emails and replies, as seen in Lifewire’s tutorial. One of the features offered in Bard’s latest update just yesterday is visuals provided to users.

Bard can now retrieve images from Google Search to respond to users’ questions through both texts and visuals. Images will appear underneath every bullet point and Bard will provide the context as well as the source of those images, like when I asked Bard to suggest movies to watch and told them that I enjoy watching Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

You can also ask Bard to give you specific photos directly like I did with Jedi: Fallen Order.

This enhancement can help users have a better idea of what they’re looking for if they don’t know already. If you want to shop online, Bard can attach images and provide brief descriptions of products, preventing you from buying anything blindly. Just for fun, you can also send images to Bard and ask him to provide a funny caption.

To find out about all of BARD’s updates, watch the entire Bard presentation here, or read the recap made by XDA.

More Source(s):

Beware of The Fleeceware! ChatGPT Imposters Are Swarming Google Play and the App Store

As hard as it is to accept, online scams aren’t going anywhere any time soon. With OpenAI’S ChatGPT official app release, plenty of people are clamorin’ to try the chatbot out, and this rise in demand has made scammers go wildin’.

Fleeceware Trickery

Apps pretending to offer access to ChatGPT through free trials have been found in the App Store and Google Play. These free trials then start charging subscription fees, and though users who know better can easily evade these scams, some people out there might not detect this malicious act.

One app available for Android named Open Chat GBT plays a part in this “fleeceware” scam. Users can download Open Chat GBT for free but then be bombarded by ads and can only use the chatbot three times before receiving the option to subscribe. The subscription starts with a three-day free trial, then options for a monthly $10 or $30 annual subscription would come up.

The same developer made a similar app with a different name for iOS and released it on the App Store. A lot of developers tried to make more chatbot AI apps, and some have made apps with similar interfaces to ChatGPT, with low-quality functionalities. These apps would give users shortened responses and “force” users to subscribe in order to get the full response.

With scammers actively trying to bring home the bacon, we all have to be extra careful and mindful of what we subscribe to every day. Pay attention to small details, read privacy policies, and remember that deleting an app will not stop recurring payments. Actively manage your app subscriptions, miners!

More Source(s):

Google Will Delete Inactive Accounts! How to Stop it?

When signing up for a Google account, have you ever felt the need to have a backup for your primary account, and also have a backup for your backup? For security reasons, maybe? Well, Google has announced an update in their policy for personal accounts, and it is time to check everything since inactive accounts have a chance of getting deleted!

Starting December 2023, in order to enhance online security, Google will be deleting accounts that have been inactive for two years. Abandoned accounts have a bigger chance of falling prey to hijacking as they may not have a 2-step verification set up and have weak passwords that you haven’t changed in ages. Once compromised, small threats like spam to bigger threats like identity theft can possibly happen, and Google is acting fast to prevent all that.

Who’s Safe, Who’s Not?

Are there any YouTubers among you miners? Or maybe you just like to post videos of your cute and silly cats and dogs? Well, you can take a breath because it seems Google does not have plans to delete accounts with YouTube videos at the moment.

Google will prioritize deleting accounts that have never been used after their creation and will send multiple notifications to account holders months before deletion. If action is taken in time, Google will not be deleting your account. Now, what are those actions?

There are multiple ways to stop your account and all your data stored in Google’s services from getting deleted, which include reading or sending an email, using Google Drive and Google Search, signing into a third-party app or service using your Google account, downloading an app from Google Play, and watching a YouTube video. To be extra safe, you can also export your data using Google Takeout.

So, get going, miners, and secure your Google accounts now!

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Today’s AI-Generated Business Idea

Personalized Urban Gardening Pods

Imagine a world where urban dwellers can enjoy the benefits of gardening and self-sustainability without the limitation of space. Personal Urban Gardening Pods (PUGP) is a novel solution that brings greenery and fresh produce into every urban home.

PUGP would be a compact, self-contained unit that can be easily installed in small apartments, balconies, or rooftops. Each pod utilizes modern technology to create an ideal environment for growing a variety of plants, veggies, and herbs.

Feature includes:

  • Customized pod design, automated climate control (utilize sensors and machine learning to create perfect growing conditions for each plant type)

  • Smart irrigation system where the pods monitor perfect moisture level ensuring optimal plant growth

  • Vertical gardening to maximize space utilization, app-based monitoring, and control

  • Sustainable practice (utilize energy efficiently led and incorporate a composting system to minimize waste and provide natural fertilizers)

  • Community integration where users can connect to fellow urban gardeners, participate in virtual workshops, and exchange produce, seeds, or gardening tips.

Big Tech

Whatsapp Makes Changes, from Time Limited Edits to Locked Chats

WhatsApp, the ol’ reliable messaging app with over 2700 million users worldwide and 79 million users in the U.S. has announced a couple of new features you users may get excited about.

What are the Changes?

Everyone, but I’m looking specifically at you users prone to typos, can now edit your messages within 15 minutes of sending them, as shown in Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook post.

There’s no more need of deleting and sending corrections, risking spamming your recipient, as you can quickly correct your misspellings by pressing and holding your message and tapping the edit option. These edited messages will have the usual time stamp with an “edited” tag on them. This feature will become available for users in a few weeks.

Enhanced Security and Privacy

Another feature Zuckerberg has recently shared is the chat lock, which allows users to protect groups or private chats using a passcode or a biometric authentication of their choice, whether it be fingerprints or face ID. Chat lock can only be used on one device at a time, however, so having chats locked on your phone means they won’t be locked on your desktop.

Features such as these allow efficiency in messaging, as well as increased safety and security for users, which seems to have always been WhatsApp’s main appeal with its end-to-end encryption feature.

The chat lock and the limited-time editing features will most likely become available for both iOS and Android users in a few weeks after the next update. You can see the full info, along with some other features coming to WhatsApp, on their beta info site!

Funding News

Have you heard about Instawork? They just secured a whopping $60 million in funding to take their job-matching platform to the next level. It's a game-changer for hourly workers and businesses alike.

Instawork uses AI and machine learning to connect workers with companies that need their skills and fill open shifts. What's really cool is that they're focused on giving workers more choice and flexibility in their schedules while helping businesses find reliable, productive staff.

They're even planning to use the funds to create training and certification programs to help workers upskill and access higher-paid jobs. It's all about empowering the workforce and making the job market fairer for everyone. With their fresh funding, Instawork is on a mission to revolutionize how we find and fill hourly jobs.


BARD vs. ChatGPT

Let's talk about the differences between ChatGPT and Bard, the AI chatbots. They both use natural language processing, meaning you type in a query and they generate a human-like response. But here's where things get interesting.


ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is based on the GPT-3 or GPT-4 model. It was trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet, like books and articles, but its training data only goes up until 2021. So, it might not be up-to-date with the latest news and research.

On the other hand, Bard, developed by Google, uses the Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA). It can pull real-time, current research from the internet, which gives it an edge in keeping up with the latest information.


Now, when it comes to their capabilities, ChatGPT is more of a versatile text tool. It can write articles, and emails, and generate content ideas. It's also used in other AI tools like Jasper and Copy.ai. Bard, on the other hand, is designed to have more natural and open-ended conversations with humans. It's built specifically for dialogue and understanding the intent behind questions.

I personally love the open-ended conversation feature. Here’s some example of that.

And I continued with this

This continuous conversation feature helps users not be redundant when prompting questions.

Another cool thing about Bard is that it can draw responses from the internet, providing real-time information. So, if you ask it about a book published in 2023, it can summarize it and comment on its reception. ChatGPT, unfortunately, doesn't have access to real-time data and might not have the answer to the latest happenings.


User experience-wise, Bard has a more user-friendly interface. it also offers formatted text that's which I personally think it’s easier to read. You can also edit your questions and view multiple responses. ChatGPT's interface is a bit chunkier in comparison. However, in the end, UI/UX is subjectively dependent on the user demographic.

Future Plans

Looking into the future, Google plans to integrate Bard into its search engine. This means Bard could simplify complex topics and provide insights from different perspectives, which would be great for topics without a single correct answer. On the other hand, Microsoft has integrated parts of ChatGPT into Bing, offering a similar experience in their search bar.

So, which one is better? Well, it depends on what you're looking for. ChatGPT is excellent for generating and summarizing text, while Bard excels at surfacing relevant and up-to-date information. They have different strengths, and only time will tell how they'll evolve and which one will come out on top.

Try it for yourself, and let us know what you think!

Here’s the Link to Bard

Here’s the Link to ChatGPT

Meme & AI-Generated Images

Favorite Product of the Day

AI Job Interview Coach

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You can start your AI job coaching here!

Job Posting

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