Arcimus AI Takes Your Virtual Meeting Notes

Focus Solely on Your Meetings With a "Second Brain"

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Today’s Highlights:

  • Arcimus AI Takes Your Virtual Meeting Notes✍️

Arcimus AI Takes Your Virtual Meeting Notes

Work-from-home culture introduced us to virtual meetings, which have increasingly turned into a common norm amongst corporations. Despite having virtual meetings essentially become an integral part of a corporation’s daily life, however, most employees still find it challenging to maintain focus, especially when these meetings run too long.

With the presumed need to document information discussed during meetings, employees have to juggle between paying full attention to what’s being discussed and losing a little bit of focus to take notes. This constant shuffle can not only lower an employee’s performance in the workplace but also cause a lot of relevant information to get lost once meetings end. A YC-backed startup founded by Hussein Syed and Omar Dadabhoy named Arcimus offers a solution with its note-taking AI bot.

Work Efficiency

It may seem that the issue of documenting meetings can be solved without much effort, thanks to the recording features we can find on platforms like Zoom or Google Meet. A question that needs to be asked is, how effective is this solution really?

Having meetings recorded is an easy feat, for sure, meaning the means for employees to track back meetings and discussions exists. However, when employees miss relevant information the first time around, they would have to spend time on essentially the same thing twice.

Say a meeting lasts for one and a half hours, and a certain employee watches a full recording to take notes. They would then spend three hours absorbing the same information and conversation, going through the same work process twice, when they could have an extra one and a half hours to develop more much-needed skills or recharge to prevent burnout.

Though it may seem easy to say, “Why don’t they just try to pay attention and focus more the first time around?”, we can't discount the distractions that come with working from home. The lack of in-person interactions that employees are already used to also makes it easy for them to become disengaged.

For full work efficiency, the responsibility cannot solely lie on the employee but also on the system, which is what Arcimus can assist corporations with.

Taking Notes with AI

The Arcimus AI bot can join and listen to meetings as an assigned “guest.”

Photo Courtesy of Arcimus

Arcimus will then take notes during the entirety of the meeting. The bot can be asked to take notes of the whole meeting, with details regarding members of the meeting and a summary of the discussions heard.

Photo Courtesy of Arcimus

Users can also present an outline to Arcimus so the AI bot knows which information to capture and which to skip or ignore, making the note reading following the meeting less overwhelming.

Photo Courtesy of Arcimus

All of these notes will automatically be generated in a user’s Google Docs, and users are also able to set Arcimus to run in various note-taking applications. These notes can be instantly shared across an employee’s corporation.

Acting as a “second brain” for employees and corporations, the AI bot can ask questions regarding any notes taken with it as well, as if it were a fellow employee.

With Arcimus, allow employees to work effectively and document meetings without ever missing incredibly relevant information, whether it be proof of concepts, duplicated work, or product feedback.

The app is free to use and available now. Leaders or managers in mid-sized to large corporations interested in the field can connect and book time with Arcimus founders through [email protected].

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Job Posting

  • Chainlink Labs - Security Engineer, Product Security - San Francisco, CA (Remote)

  • Intelsat - Senior Manager, Cloud Innovation - Washington DC (Hybrid)

  • JPMorgan Chase - Network Security Engineer - Dallas-Fort Worth, TX (Remote/Hybrid)

  • KeyWay - VP, Product Design - New York City, NY (Hybrid)

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