AI in the Courtroom, What Could Go Wrong?

PLUS: PhotoRoom and Google Cloud Collaborate to Scale Large AI Models, Meta to Fully Integrate Generative AI into All Its Products

AI in Court

Mornin’ miners⛏️,

Happy Thursday!

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Today’s Highlights:

  • Texas-Based Judge Declares No Unchecked ChatGPT in The Courtroom ⚖️👨‍⚖️

  • PhotoRoom and Google Cloud Collaborate to Scale Large AI Models 🎨

  • Meta to Fully Integrate Generative AI into All Its Products 😲

Texas Judge Disallows Unchecked ChatGPT in Court

Just last May, New York-based lawyer Steven A Schwartz relied on ChatGPT as his supplement for a case and ended up providing false information created by the language model. Schwartz's filing involved legal reference example cases that were proven to not exist.

In an attempt to not let a similar occurrence happen in his courtroom, Texas Judge Brantley Starr has set specific rules regarding generative AI use.

No ChatGPT in The Courtroom

Attorneys appearing in Judge Starr’s court must ratify in a “Mandatory Certification Regarding Generative Artificial Intelligence” form that no portion of their filing was drafted by generative AI (ChatGPT, Harvey.AI, or Google Bard). If attorneys insist on using AI, they have to ensure that it was cross-checked by a human being for accuracy.

Aside from averting misinformation, Judge Starr asserts that, unlike humans, generative AI platforms have no allegiance to any client, rule of law, or the Constitution of the United States.

Ensuring Reliability in Law

By not being bound by any sense of duty, honor, or justice, generative AI cannot be ensured to provide accurate and reliable information. It wouldn’t be a surprise if other judges took up this rule in their courtrooms.

This case reminds every professional, especially in the legal industry, that although generative AI usage may be handy and convenient, each piece of content has to be rechecked and re-evaluated at all times.

PhotoRoom Scales Large AI Models with Google Cloud’s A3 Supercomputers

With generative AI’s assistance, PhotoRoom aims to provide high-quality images to a broader lineup of businesses. PhotoRoom has partnered with Google Cloud to use the capabilities provided by Google’s A3 supercomputer.*

PhotoRoom has stated that it processes about two billion images every year. The company’s collaboration with Google will allow PhotoRoom to scale large AI models. Moreover, this collaboration has added new generative AI capabilities, which include incorporating a trained diffusion model* into its platform.

*A3 Supercomputer: Engine purposely built to train and serve demanding AI models, combining NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs and Google's networking advancements.
*Diffusion Model: Deep generative models that work by adding Gaussian noise to the available training data and reversing the process to recover said data, gradually learning to remove the noise.

Swift Image Creation and Editing

PhotoRoom CEO Matthieu Rouif made a statement that this partnership with Google will enable them to handle an increasing volume of images worldwide without compromising service, quality, or performance. It is claimed that PhotoRoom can now generate AI images in one second, 10 times faster than other generative solutions.

This collaboration is said to be built upon PhotoRoom’s Remove Background, Instant Backgrounds, and Instant Shadows features used to enhance product shots. Their new AI model allows businesses that require building a completely new background to showcase their products in an instant!

Photo Courtesy of PhotoRoom

Business Application

The AI-powered capabilities brought out by PhotoRoom and Google are aimed at bringing plenty of benefits, especially to small and medium-sized businesses.

PhotoRoom’s technologies can quicken the process of creating product shots and reduce the need to rent a photography studio, helping businesses become more cost-effective. These features may allow professionals and entrepreneurs in the business to create their creative content without time-consuming hassles.

Meta Will Soon Integrate Generative AI Into All Products

Right after experts claim that Meta’s open-source large language model (LLM) may potentially be a threat to the open-source AI community, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has chosen not to back down and go all out instead.

In an internal meeting, Zuckerberg confirmed the company’s full commitment to performing AI research with an “open science-based” approach.

Meta’s Generative AI Integration

Meta will be integrating generative AI into every single one of its products in its approach. Meta’s first plan is to build generative AI-powered experiences in the metaverse using generative text, images, and video models that can generate 3D content.

While working on that, Meta also already has long-term plans up its sleeve. In an effort to stay innovative, Meta will integrate LLM-powered AI agents with various skill sets and distinctive personas in its apps to help and entertain people. These agents will be added to Messenger and WhatsApp and will eventually become part of Meta’s other products one at a time.

Internal-Only Interface

Moreover, Meta has created Agents Playground, an experimental interface powered by the Large Language Model Meta AI (LLaMA) that is currently exclusive to internal members of Meta. This interface provides feedback to help the Meta team improve their systems.

When Meta’s plan starts spreading out, the abundance of generative AI-powered apps may enable professionals to automate business processes and build engaging customer experiences faster and easier. Your valuable time can be freed up as well by letting AI do all the mundane and low-level but essential tasks.

Favorite Product of The Day


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Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Job Posting

  • System1 - Senior iOS Engineer, Mapping - Seattle, WA (Remote/Hybrid)

  • StriveWorks - Staff Software Engineer - Austin, TX (Remote)

  • Squarespace - Staff Product Designer, Domains & Email - New York City, NY (Remote/Hybrid)

  • Whatnot - Creative Director - North America (Remote)

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