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  • AI Buzz: GPT in iOS, Meta Strategic Move, Sam Altman in Congress

AI Buzz: GPT in iOS, Meta Strategic Move, Sam Altman in Congress

PLUS: Coinbase going overseas. IoT's impact on industries

Mornin’ miners⛏️,

Digger Insights empowers you with an industry advantage by delivering essential and concise tech industry information. We filter out complex jargon for easy understanding.

Let’s get to it!

Today’s Highlights:

  • ChatGPT → App Store 🍎

  • Meta Unleashes a New Power 💪

  • Sam Altman (Open AI’s Boss) Testify Before the Congress🤵

  • IoT’s Impact on Industries 🖥️

  • Coinbase Going Overseas 🚢

  • Zapier Launches New Automation 🚀


OpenAI Launches Official ChatGPT App for iOS

OpenAI has officially released ChatGPT for iOS, bringing convenience to iPhone users! Get inspired, conduct research, or simply ask questions and have a chat with ChatGPT’s chatbot easily without having to go through web searches on Safari or Chrome.

The ChatGPT app syncs your history across all devices, making everything you have previously searched accessible to you right away!


Its integration with Whisper supports speech recognition and voice input, allowing speech-to-text, a feature the browser version has been lacking. With the speech-to-text feature present, ChatGPT on mobile is much simpler to use.

OpenAI has also given ChatGPT Plus subscribers a special treat with early access to GPT-4’s capabilities, including new features, such as plugins, and greater answer accuracy! Though some users complain about its slow response time compared to its predecessor GPT-3.5.

Subscribers can choose between the GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 model to use, while free users get the GPT-3.5 version by default.

With a better interface introduced compared to its browser version, the usage of ChatGPT will probably increase significantly. Just like that one episode of South Park, “Deep Learning”, released on March 8th, ChatGPT will most likely be used mostly for social media posting and composing text messages.

Future Plans

Although only available in the U.S. at the moment, OpenAI plans to launch this mobile helper worldwide! And not just that, OpenAI has also teased an Android version coming soon, so get ready, Android users!

Download the app and enjoy a slightly more convenient life here.

Unleashing the Power of AI: How Meta Aims to Shape the Future

Meta is making big moves in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to stay ahead of the game. They’re determined to catch up with other Juggernauts like Google and Microsoft, who have already embraced AI-friendly technologies.

One of Meta’s critical plans is to develop its own custom chip called the Meta Training and Inference Accelerator (MTIA). This chip, set to launch in 2025, will give Meta more control and enhance its AI capabilities. It will make training AI models faster and more efficient, allowing Meta to push the boundaries of AI research on a larger scale.

Creating Digital Change

To further strengthen its AI capabilities, Meta has also unveiled their powerful research-focused supercomputer called the Research SuperCluster(RSC). This supercomputer has an impressive number of graphics processing units (GPUs) that will help Meta’s researchers train AI models using real-world examples. This means they can create smarter and more advanced AI systems.

But Meta’s commitment to transforming the digital landscape doesn’t stop there. They are also developing a cutting-edge chip called the Meta Scalable Video Processor (MSVP), dedicated to enhancing video processing capabilities. By revolutionizing video quality and streamlining streaming experiences, Meta is planning to set the stage for a new era of captivating and seamless video content.

The sense of urgency driving Meta’s AI revolution is not without reason. The market for generative AI software is projected to reach an astounding $150 billion, and Meta is determined to secure its share.

By investing heavily in AI advancements, they aim to not only recoup losses incurred in ventures like augmented reality headsets and virtual reality but also position themselves as pioneers in shaping the future of technology.

The race is on, and the outcome will shape the way we interact with technology in the years to come.

Sam Altman Testifies Regarding Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Election Integrity

With elections coming soon in 2024, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman expressed his concerns to the stand during a Senate panel regarding AI interfering with election integrity. Mainly worried about prejudice and misinformation, Altman suggested that regulation is needed to control the globally exploding technological phenomenon.

If you haven’t seen them already, AI-generated photos of Trump getting arrested by NYPD were shared on Twitter and went viral a couple of months ago. Although not so realistic once you look at the details, forms of media such as these can fool those who don’t pay attention and do great societal harm.

Also present at the panel was the chief privacy for IBM.N (International Business Machines Corp) Christina Montgomery and neuroscientist Gary Marcus. Marcus revealed that national security and autonomous weapons were among the grounds covered during the panel, but similar to Altman, Montgomery suggested that regulation on areas that may cause societal harm should be the Congress’ main focus.

Altman suggested licensing and testing as requirements for those who plan to develop AI models in the U.S., and that companies should be allowed to have a say in whether their data can be used for AI training. For further regulatory efforts, a licensing agency for AI called OASIS (Office for AI Safety and Infrastructure Security) has been proposed by an OpenAI staffer.

Today’s AI-Generated Business Idea

Personalized AI Fitness Coaching Platform

In today’s health-conscious world, more and more people are prioritizing their fitness and well-being.

That’s where this exciting idea comes in! Imagine having your own virtual fitness coach, available anytime, anywhere. This personalized AI fitness coaching platform brings together the incredible potential of artificial intelligence, smart data analysis, and tailor-made workout plans.

It’s like having a dedicated fitness companion who understands your unique needs and goals, providing guidance, motivation, and accountability right from the comfort of your own home. Quite awesome ain’t it?

Deep Dive

IoT Technology and Its Impact on Industries

In today’s deep dive, we will explore the impact of IoT on various sectors, demystify its concepts in a friendly and approachable manner, and showcase the endless possibilities it offers. So, fasten your seatbelts miners!

The Rise of IoT

The world around us is becoming increasingly interconnected, thanks to the rise of IoT technology. But what exactly is IoT? At its core, IoT refers to a vast network of physical objects, devices, and machines that are equipped with sensors, software, and internet connectivity.

These smart devices gather and exchange data, enabling them to make intelligent decisions and perform tasks to enhance our lives.

The allure of IoT lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate with our everyday experiences. Picture a home where lights, appliances, and security systems are all interconnected and can be controlled through a smartphone app. Imagine a city with smart infrastructure that optimizes traffic flow and conserves energy. IoT empowers us to create a connected ecosystem where convenience, efficiency, and sustainability coexist harmoniously.

IoT Impact on Industries

The transformative power of IoT is reshaping industries across the board, revolutionizing traditional practices, and unlocking new possibilities. Let's take a closer look at some key sectors and discover the profound impact IoT has on them:

Manufacturing: IoT enables smart factories, where machines communicate and optimize production processes in real-time. This streamlines operation reduces costs, and enhances product quality, resulting in increased efficiency and improved competitiveness.

Healthcare: IoT revolutionizes healthcare by connecting medical devices, tracking patient data remotely, and enabling remote consultations. This improves patient care, enables early detection of health issues, and enhances the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Transportation and Logistics: IoT facilitates smart transportation systems, allowing for real-time monitoring of vehicles, optimizing routes, and enhancing safety. Additionally, IoT plays a pivotal role in supply chain management, tracking inventory, improving logistics operations, and minimizing disruptions.

Agriculture: IoT empowers precision farming by collecting data on soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop health. This data-driven approach optimizes resource utilization, improves crop yield, and contributes to sustainable farming practices.

Retail: IoT enhances the retail experience by enabling personalized marketing, smart inventory management, and seamless checkout processes. It provides valuable insights into customer behavior, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.

IoT’s impact is not only limited to these abovementioned industries, the application are endless!

The Urgency to Embrace IoT

The world of IoT is evolving rapidly, and the urgency to embrace this technology is undeniable. Businesses that fail to adapt risk falling behind their competitors. The benefits of IoT adoption are far-reaching, and the time to act is now, These are some of the reasons:

Competitive Advantage: IoT empowers businesses to gain a competitive edge by offering innovative products and services, streamlining operations, and providing exceptional customer experiences.

Increased Efficiency: IoT enables real-time monitoring and analysis, optimizing processes, reducing downtime, and improving overall efficiency. This translates into cost savings and improved productivity.

Enhanced Decision-Making: IoT generates a wealth of data that can be leveraged for informed decision-making. By harnessing actionable insights, businesses can make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the curve.

Future-proofing: As technology continues to evolve, IoT will play an increasingly integral role. Embracing IoT today ensures that businesses are prepared for the future and can adapt to emerging trends.

The era of IoT is upon us and its impact on industries is nothing short of extraordinary.

It’s never too late to embrace this technology, unlock its vast potential, and shape a future where connectivity and intelligence converge seamlessly. With how IoT and AI can be implemented side-by-side in almost if not every industry, the possibilities are endless.


Coinbase Going Overseas

Coinbase, the renowned San Francisco-based cryptocurrency exchange, has exciting news for crypto enthusiasts worldwide. Introducing Coinbase One, their new subscription service packed with a few perks. By subscribing, you gain access to reduced trading fees, 24/7 customer support, and lower commissions for staking.

Staking involves locking up your cryptocurrency to support blockchain networks, and Coinbase aims to simplify the process for users. While some controversies surround third-party involvement in staking, Coinbase's focus is on making it easier and more accessible for everyone.

Global Expansion

Coinbase's aggressive global expansion strategy takes center stage with the launch of Coinbase One. Their aim is to establish a presence on every continent (Antarctica being the exception) and they've received encouraging support from regions like Europe and the United Arab Emirates.

Coinbase believes in the potential of the digital asset economy and wants to share its benefits worldwide. This expansion aligns with their commitment to becoming an "on-chain-native company," constantly innovating and introducing new products like Coinbase NFT and their Layer-2 blockchain, Base.

Crypto Security

Amidst Coinbase's ambitious plans, it's important to note the regulatory landscape. U.S. regulators, particularly the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), are closely scrutinizing the cryptocurrency industry.

They have raised concerns about unregistered securities sold by certain digital asset companies.

Coinbase is keenly aware of the regulatory environment and emphasizes the need for compliance within the crypto space. As they pave the way for a crypto-driven future, Coinbase One offers an incredible opportunity to access exclusive benefits and explore the exciting world of digital assets.

Funding News

ObieInsurance raising a 25.5 million Series B led by @ BatteryVentures. Obie is an insurance tech company focusing on driving the value of modern real estate investors and the partners they work with every day. Their mission is to build technology and insurance products that drive efficiency and fundamental change the way insurance is bought and sold

Startup News

Zapier Opens Up a New World of AI and Automation

Zapier, a software focusing on automating workflows and integrating web applications, was founded in Columbia, Missouri, playing a part in the very first Startup Weekend Columbia in 2011.

The beginning of Zapier’s success started when they got accepted by Y Combinator, a startup accelerator responsible for big companies like Airbnb, Reddit, streamer heaven Twitch, and one of the reasons why you can chill and stay at home yet food will still come at your door, Doordash.

After more than a decade of operation, Zapier has managed to connect to more than 4000 apps and has integrated with OpenAI, ChatGPT, Cohere, and much more. With the tenacity to constantly improve and innovate, as well as the rapid growth of AI in our day and age, Zapier has created many beta tools and features to make your workflow go faster and smoother.

Coding and Creating Made Easy

Using only plain English, you can simply describe what you want to do and Zapier will generate custom codes for you. Coding has been made simpler for everyone with or without coding experience and/or background. You can also describe what you want to automate, and Zapier will make a draft you can customize.

One of Zapier’s beta features, Zapier Interfaces, allows you to create custom web pages and apps. With the help of Zapier and OpenAI’s integration, ChatGPT’s chatbot component can be used to generate much of anything, like custom cover letters or press releases, as Carly Moulton, Zapier’s own head of communications, has tried to do. Zapier also has plugins on Twitter, which TikTok creator Mike Rama used for customer support. Rama uses Zapier to monitor and track tweets mentioning his company and provide different responses to each tweet, depending on whether the tweets are deemed positive or negative.

Management Needs

Working in the tech industry must mean numerous apps you have to use and countless data to manage. Zapier has thought of the potential stress this may cause you and in the process created Zapier Tables, a beta feature that lets you store, edit, share, and of course, automate all your data. Without needing to move from one app or program to another, Zapier Tables lets you do all your data processing in one place.

The CTO of Vector Media, Dan Dorato-Hankins, used Zapier Tables to simplify his employee onboarding process, which would usually take about 30 minutes to less than a minute for every new employee.

Zapier’s integration with AI seems to have improved their automation services by tenfolds, and they do not look like they’re stopping any time soon. With the many different features AI and automation have to offer, you can learn how AI works for you.

Here’s the link to Zappier

Meme & AI-Generated Picture

Favorite Product of the Day

Notion Second Brain. Organizational System.

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To be or not to be… a scatterbrain?! https://www.notionsecondbrain.com/ 

Job Posting

YC Internship Program

Interested in working under startup founders and engineers? Be an intern for startup accelerator Y Combinator! YC’s Summer 2023 internship program can help you gain experience and insight into the startup industry, build skills you need to develop products and introduce you to innovative creators by attending virtual/in-person events!

Apply here!

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